Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins.
Movie - 1987
Oh I know I go on and on about Helene Hanff and this book, but I love it so much. Anyway, I finally got a copy from the library today (which I had reserved last week) and promptly sat down and read the entire book. It's not a thick book at all.
In fact it only took me 45 minutes to read the whole thing. I had also reserved the movie of the book (Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins) which I have not seen for many many years. It is available on DVD. Yippee. I must try and get my own copy.
Anyway as soon as I got home, I sat down and watched the movie. For a book that only takes 45 minutes to read, the way the screen writer managed to stretch it out for 100 minutes was excellent.
I also spent most of the day running all over downtown Toronto, buying second hand books, signing student loan papers and getting the money organised. That included having to find a post office I have never been too before, and signing the papers 5 times. Only to find out when I got home, that the post office had called home and told DH that I had only signed 5 times and they needed 6 signatures. So I needed to go back and sign the papers - again.
It was a relief to drop into the library on my way home the second time, stop and read my favourite book in just 45 minutes, and then rush home and watch my favourite movie before I had to go out again and pick up my son from daycare. I don't have any classes on Fridays.
ohwow!! I just got a copy of the book as well. I'm really excited! :D
I loved this book, and the movie!!! What a nice treat to give yourself, too, after a hectic day!!
This is one of my all time favorite books! I take it out and re-read it every once in a while. It never gets old. The movie was wonderful too. Years ago on my honeymoon in London we went to 84 Charing Cross Rd, there's a blue plaque there commemerating the shop!
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