Thursday, March 20, 2008

50 Greatest Books March 2008

I totally forgot about the 50 Greatest Books series I am following. I must be really distracted by the new job and the computer crash. I note that the last book I posted about was on March 2nd. I started my new job on March 4th. Anyway, here are the most recent books in the series.

March 8th - 50 Greatest Books
The Confessions of St. Augustine
Few books are more frequently subject to such vain mirror-work than St. Augustine's Confessions. Enter enlightened wonder: At the end of the fourth century, a middle-aged North African wrote an account of himself that's self-conscious, questioning, searching and boldly honest; an account that [never but] roars with a lively literary voice; an account written after the author gave up a life of eloquent wind and elegant debauchery for a life committed to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.

March 15th - 50 Greatest Books
Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince, first published in 1532, is certainly the most shocking book ever written about political leadership. No current politician in his or her right mind would ever confess to the black arts Machiavelli so coolly endorses. Heaven forbid! He endures, however, because his work still contains the sting of truth.

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